  • Updated

To create a text inscription on Gamma, click on "Create", in the navigation bar and select "Preserve images or text for myself" then click Continue.

Capture d’écran 2023-09-06 à 11.00.16.png


Select "Text" on the next page.


Type your text directly on this page. Make sure there are no typos and you're are 100% happy with your inscription, it cannot be updated or deleted!


Select your transaction fee.


Enter the BTC address of the ordinal recipient. This can be your own BTC address or someone else's. If you don't enter a refund address, it will default to the recipient address, so we recommend you add your BTC address to that field. Entering your email address is optional, and if you do, it will never be shared publicly. 

Review your details and confirm, then send your payment to the indicated address and you're all set! 


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