Transactions submitted to the network will complete in success or failure. The vast majority of the time, transactions will complete successfully. However, on occasion, transactions fail for one reason or another.
While the specific reasons a transaction has failed depend on the smart contract you are engaging with, we've outlined the most common errors and error codes as they are defined in our core marketplace contract.
Gamma Core Marketplace Contract Error Codes and Definitions
Code | Error Name | Error Description |
u1 | err-payment-failed | Occurs when the number of tokens (typically in STX) required to complete the transaction is not transferred or not transferred in full. |
u2 | err-transfer-failed | Occurs when the NFT transfer from one destination to another is unsuccessful. |
u3 | err-not-allowed | Occurs when an unauthorized wallet attempts to interact with administrative functions on the marketplace contract. |
u4 | err-duplicate-entry | Occurs when a listing is attempted on an asset that is already listed for sale. |
u5 | err-tradable-not-found | Occurs when the asset attempted to be transacted with is not currently listed on the marketplace. Usually occurs if the NFT is unlisted before purchase transaction is confirmed or if another purchase transaction succeeded prior to this one. |
u6 | err-commission-or-price-too-low | Occurs when the marketplace commission fee is manually submitted lower than the required fee. This error should not occur unless a manual transaction is attempted. |
u7 | err-listings-frozen | Occurs when a listing is attempted from a contract whose listings are currently frozen from listing on Gamma. |
u8 | err-commission-payment-failed | Occurs when the marketplace commission fee payment fails, which can fail separately from the payment for the NFT itself. |
u9 | err-royalty-payment-failed | Occurs when the artist royalty payment fails, which can fail separately from the payment for the NFT itself. |
u10 | err-contract-not-authorized | Occurs when a transaction is attempted from a contract that has not been approved by the marketplace. |
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