How do I edit my Stacks profile?

  • Updated

When you have connected your wallet to, you will be able to edit your Stacks profile for the account you are signed into.


Find your Profile page

Click the button in the top right corner of the screen next to the menu icon to go straight to your profile page.  If you are on the Xverse mobile wallet, tap the menu icon and tap your account near the bottom of the drop-down menu.


Edit your profile

Whether on the computer or mobile device, selecting the "Edit Profile" button will bring up a window where you can edit the different parts of your profile page.  



  1. Profile Picture - select one of the NFTs in your collection for your profile picture
  2. Name - cannot be manually edited. If connected with a Stacks wallet, automatically pulls your registered BNS (.btc name) for your address
  3. Description - share something about yourself or what you are building
  4. Website - add a link to your personal website or portfolio
  5. Twitter - add your Twitter handle so people can easily follow you


Once you have your profile the way you like, click the "Save Profile" button and you are done!  You can edit your profile at any time.  You can repeat this process on any of the addresses you own by connecting to Gamma with those accounts.


You can also watch this short video guide on how to create and edit your profile.

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