BNS Marketplace Categories / Trait Expansion (Round 2) Épinglée Planifiée
This is a continuation of the original post for trait expansion, which can be found here:
Please post all requests on this thread.
This is a continuation of the original post for trait expansion, which can be found here:
Please post all requests on this thread.
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13 commentaires
Add Pokémon club 1008 names total. Full list are very easy to find.
If nothing else, gen 1 & 2 for now. Both are fully registered already.
Only concern is how to handle the handful of non-traditional names. Would suggest following the same route as ensvision.
Can we get the 1008 pokemons? Lot of interest but hard to search for it
Please add -520club under Negative category. Maybe as follows:
Please also separate the punycodes. Atm there are emojis, chinese, arabic, persian etc all mixed together. Is it possible to have Punycodes and then Arabic, Emojis etc as sub categories? This would clean it up nicely and community would love it
Hi can I please get an update on adding -520 club to gamma?
I think it would be great if we could have a pokemon category. As said in the above comments, there is a lot of interest in this category. Would be great to make it easier to find these domains
We need the Pokemon categories, just 1008 of them. Generation 1, 2, 3 and the rest.
This is one of best performing categories on ens
I want to suggest adding the following:
Right now only "palindromes" have their own filter or category within digits domains. But to me there is no or little difference in quality between let's say:
All three patterns are beautiful and clearly worth more than floor price domains.
So, please add:
"Double-Double" pattern for 4D:
7744, 5588...
"Triple-Double" pattern for 6D:
444666, 222999...
"Alternating" for 4D and 6D:
5353, 262626
And please also a round number club XY00 for 4D like 3200, 4500, 7100 and so on.
As a buyer myself, I am always looking for any of these patterns, but only palindromes are integrated right now.
Also please add a "foreign digits" category, that includes at least the two major ones from ENS:
- Arabic digits (999club)
- Hindi Digits (999 club)
Regarding negative clubs:
Please add a negative LL club (for example: -KA, -XH...)
Also add a "6 Number Palindromes" category under the Palindromes Clubs. Those are popular on ENS as well.
Can you please add Arabic 999 club under numbers category. Also create a separate emoji club category so that all of the punycode domains are not lumped in together. Thanks
It would be great to get a Pokemon category, 1008 of them.
Even better if there are subcategories for each generation, at least for the earlier ones like gen 1,2, and 3.
Please add:
- underscore club
- arabic (both positive and negative)
- flags
Hello dear Gamma support,
Can you please add - 999 arabic numbers - category to BNS fomains please? Thank you
Hi can you please create 560 Arabic club
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